Thursday, February 21, 2019

Qatar Mining Company (QM), wholly owned by the State of Qatar, was established in 2010 to undertake targeted, value accretive investments that maximize value for the State of Qatar through partnerships and investments in the mining and metals sector.
To date, QM has established two major projects. One is a subsidiary exploring in Sudan, with the project currently at an advanced exploration stage on a copper/gold porphyry deposit. The other project is a steel plant joint venture in Algeria.

CEO Message
It gives me great pleasure to introduce Qatar Mining, a company established by the Government of Qatar to undertake targeted investments in the mineral resources sector. The company’s corporate philosophy is to acquire assets across the value chain, from grassroots exploration plays to operating mines to high-end downstream producers. The company follows a fair market acquisition approach to ensure value for its principle shareholder. Opportunities that offer early returns on investment are favoured, as is risk reduction through commodity, project status and jurisdictional diversification.
 I believe strongly that a company’s prime asset is its people and I am pleased to say that we have sourced the best of the best. Qatar Mining’s senior management team has extensive hands-on experience in exploration, mining and resource project investment and most of the team has held executive level positions in major multi-national player in their fields. The company has developed key relationships with a wide range of major industry players and government stakeholders.

 I am confident that Qatar Mining has the vision, drive and strategic focus to deliver on its mandate and become a global investor in the mining industry.

Khalid Al-Obaidli, CEO


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